Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Volunteers wanted !

The museum is on the look out for volunteers for the museum and tea rooms. Why not pop along to the museum on Saturday August 2nd anytime from 10.30 am until 1.30 pm. Have a chat about the museum and tea rooms and how you can help us. Hope. To see you there.

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Charles Burrell Museum and The Jones’s Van

Work is being carried out at the Charles Burrell museum week commencing July 14th. The museum will be closed on July 15th and July 19th. As a result the Jones’s Van will not be available for viewing. The Dad’s Army Museum will be open as normal on July 16th & 19th. The Charles Burrell team will be at the Weeting Steam Rally from July 18th-July 20th.


Thursday, 26 June 2014

Museum AGM

The AGM will take place on July 30th at 6.30pm for  7pm at the Small Court of Thetford Guildhall .Following the AGM there will be a brief presentation about the new museum structure and an opportunity to explain how members and volunteers can get involved with the development of the museum.  There will then be an informal get together with drinks and nibbles. All friends are welcome to attend but we do ask if you are attending please send us an email.

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Urgent appeal

Urgent Appeal: An item from the museum has been sold recently in error - if you were one of our lovely visitors, can I please trouble you to check your item - it will be clearly marked that it is owned by the museum and we are understandably very keen to see it come home 

Sunday, 25 May 2014

See you there ?

The museum team is out on the road over the next two weekends, we hope to have Jones’s van with us. Come along and say Hi.



Eleveden Classic & Vintage Car Show. May 31st


Euston Rural Pastimes. June 8th.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Ten years of walking

Saturday May 10th 2014 was the 10th anniversary of the launch of the Dad's Army trail. Thousands have been on the walk. As part of a guided tour or by themselves. The trail leaflet is available from the museum or from the Tourist Information Office (Leaping Hare) in King Street Thetford.  Details of the guided tours are also available from the Tourist Information Office or from our web site.
Our volunteers are pictured outside the museum.

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Anglia TV report on the proposed new film.

This report includes some views of the museum.http://www.itv.com/news/anglia/update/2014-04-28/dads-army-set-for-the-big-screen/

DAAS visit.

The museum will be pleased to welcome members of the Dad’s Army Appreciation Society to the museum on Saturday May 17th. We may have few special visitors that day.

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Lost sun glasses ?

We you in Marigolds today and did you leave your sun glasses ?
Please contact us if you think they are yours.

Friday, 4 April 2014

Museum open

The museum will be open every Saturday until November 30th. We will also be open on Tuesdays in July,August & September and Tuesdays in school holidays.


See you there !

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Volunteers hard at work

The Dad's Army Museum volunteers hard at work getting the museum ready for the new season which starts on April 5th.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Volunteers drop in event.

The museum is very keen to expand our opening times and the services we provide. We need more volunteers. There are many ways you can help and we are staging a volunteer drop in event at the Small Court of the Guildhall on Saturday February 1st from 10am until 1pm. Why not pop along and have a chat with our team of volunteers. There are lots of ways you can help , join our friendly team and help a growing visitor attraction in Thetford. If you want to help but cannot make the event call in the Tourist Information Centre (Leaping Hare)  in King Street,give us a call on 01842 751975 or 07802 701911. You can even send an email to dadsarmythetford@googlemail.com


Since the statue of Arthur Lowe was unveiled on June 19th 2010 many thousands of people have come and sat by the Captain. Amongst the first visitors of 2014 were the Davies family on a cold January 1st. The Davies family were on holiday from their farm 100 miles or so from Perth in Western Australia.



Why not send us your pictures of the statue, we may include some in the next issue of the Walmington Echo.

Walking tour tickets 2014.

Tickets for the 2014 walking tours are now on sale on the website pop along to http://www.dadsarmythetford.org.uk/tour.htm

Private tours can be arranged.

Sunday, 5 January 2014

The Archway Theatre Company

The Archway Theatre Company are staging a Dad's Army show from April 29th until May 10th at Horley.  For more details go to ticketsource.co.uk/event/43679