Sunday, 31 March 2013

Welcome home !

The Jones’s Van has arrived home! A large crowd cheered and sang the theme song as the van,led by our own Captain Mainwaring and Pike and followed by the Home Guard,made it way along Cage Lane.A great day was held in Thetford with all three museums open,a craft fair and an Easter egg hunt.We were  pleased to welcome nearly 500 people to the museum.We will publish a full report very soon.



Friday, 29 March 2013

Come and say hi to Jones’s Van

The Dad’s Army and Charles Burrell Museum open again from tomorrow (March 30th) at 10am.Come along and join in the fun and see the famous Jones’s Van.It will be at the Charles Burrell Museum until 1pm when it will make it’s way to Dad’s Army Museum where it will stay until we close at 4pm.


Sunday, 24 March 2013

Clean,clean and clean again.

Over the last two weekends the volunteers from the Charles Burrell and Dad`s Army Museum has been busy cleaning ready for next Saturday March 30th.Both museums open from 10am.


Saturday, 9 March 2013

Three weeks and counting !

It is just three weeks now until the museum opens again.Today (Saturday March 9th) was a training day.New and old volunteers gathered for a training session with Rosie from the Sainsbury Centre in Norwich.Next Saturday is cleaning day.Pictured here are volunteers Mick Whitman (right) and Steve  Clark.


The museum is open again on March 30th from 10am until 4pm.The Jones’s Van will leave it’s new home at the Charles Burrell Museum at 1pm and travel to the Dad’s Army Museum.We hope that you all can join us.

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Captain on the road

Our Captain Mainwaring (aka Mick Whitman) was on the road last Thursday (Feb 28th).He gave a talk at Watton to the University of the Third Age.








Don’t forget the museum reopens on Saturday March 30th at 10am.