Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Thank you

It is always nice to receive feedback from visitors to the museum and people on the walking tours via the guest book or by email.This is an email sent to us after the public tour on April 17th.

I booked the Dads Army Guided Tour as a gift to my Partner for Valentines Day this year, and this weekend, finally, our "Dads Army Weekend" was here - a stay at The Bell, and the tour on Sunday (17th).

I am writing to you as I would be so grateful if you could pass on our thanks to all your volunteers who make the tour such a lovely experience, we enjoyed the whole occasion so very much.  Our guides were friendly, knowledgeable and interesting, they took care of us and no question was too much trouble at all - you can tell that they really care about what they are doing.

I am 36, and my partner is 33, we grew up watching Dads Army with our own Dads, and we watch every Saturday now, this weekend (especially with the stay at The Bell too) is one of the nicest experiences we have had, we both agreed.

Please keep up the good work, don't let people forget the history of your lovely town. 

All the very best.

To read some more feedback click here.

Also on April 17th we were very pleased to welcome members of the Hiskey family.Amongst them was Bill who came on the tour as a birthday present from his family,a 90th birthday present ! After the tour to mark this special day we gave Bill a Steve Lillart card of the cast.


Tuesday, 19 April 2011

May 7th

The museum is pleased to announce that we will be open from 10am until 4.30pm on May 7th.We are hoping that the first phase of the Marigold Tea Rooms project will be ready.On the day we will be joined by our patron Bill Pertwee who will be at the museum for a book signing at approx. 12 am and 3pm.We are also hopeful that Frank Williams will pop in and join us for a cup ‘o’ char and a slice of cake.Please come along and join in the fun.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Croft weather

It was Croft weather in Thetford this Sunday as the Skoda Club came to the museum and went on the Thetford location tour.46 people had a good time with great weather.If you are interested in a tour please contact the museum.
